Call me a bad mom, but I’m done with the constant updates from my kid’s daycare

As I was having coffee with a mommy friend, I saw her pick up her phone with a sigh, “This is my daughter’s second poo today and it’s only 10am.”

“I’m sorry?” I asked, like the provincial idiot I apparently love. “How do you know how much she has done?â€

What he showed me next honestly blew my mind: a nursery app so detailed it would put most patient medical charts in a hospital to shame.

“Response to their children in real time”

In real time, my friend was getting updates on absolutely everything her child was doing, including (but not limited to!) what they ate, how much they ate, when they went to the bathroom, when they fell asleep, when they woke up. against and with whom they were playing.

She was also being sent contemporary photos which she could scrub for the slightest change in expression, clothing or activity (“Oh,” she commented, as we left the cafe, “they’ve changed his trousers!â€)

One parent was taken back by the amount of nursery updates their mum friend received during their outing. good times –

I have two kids in daycare and I have never seen anything like this.

from OUR nursery, I receive a weekly recap, which is sometimes – but not always – posted the same week that the events it describes occur.

I can’t deny that it’s useful to have an overview of what my kids are learning (not least so I have a context when my three-year-old son suddenly becomes obsessed with worms) and that it’s nice to see pictures of them playing with their friends.

But that’s where my commitment to nursery updates stops.

In real time, my friend was getting updates on absolutely everything her child was doing, including what they ate, how much they ate, when they went to the bathroom, when they fell asleep, when they woke up again, and who they were playing with. cherry –

“I have absolutely no interest”

If I’m honest, I don’t even watch them all.

I recently realized that this is not the norm.

Call me a bad parent, but I have absolutely no interest in knowing what is going on with my child while he is in daycare.

Photos were also being sent to the friend which she could delete for the slightest change in expression, clothing or activity. Lordn –

I trust our kindergarten teachers without a doubt.

I don’t care what my children wear, eat or do, or who they are doing it with: I know they are in the hands of capable, smart and kind people.

I’m actually relieved note i know because the days my boys are in daycare are the only days i can take my mind off the background chatter about potty training, wet diapers, and wake up windows.

“I don’t care what my kids wear or eat or do, or who they’re doing it with: I know they’re in the hands of capable, smart, kind people,” the parent said. –

Barring an accident, an illness, or an extremely unhappy child, I think there is a time and a place to get information about your child’s day at daycare.

The time is “on the take”, and the place is “inside the center”.

Just take a step back

A simple table marking the time of sleep and wake up is generally enough, and a real gasp! – a chat with an educator can fill you in on anything else you need to know.

I can’t help but think, too, that every moment an educator has an iPad in their hand for a parent’s benefit — whether it’s to take a photo or send updates to an app — is a moment they don’t have. free for one child.

“I’m actually relieved I don’t know because the days my boys are at daycare are the only days I can take my mind off the background chatter about potty training, wet diapers, and wake-up calls,” they continued. oxix –

To be clear, I am in no way criticizing the childcare workers here – I think they are some of the most wonderful, hardworking and compassionate people I have ever met.

I know that the desire to provide this level of detail comes from parents, and I think this is where the root of the problem lies.

I hear a lot from fellow teachers about how difficult it is to manage parents’ expectations of kindergarteners, and it makes a lot of sense: it’s no wonder parents have trouble transitioning their children to elementary school when they’re used to feeding. the literal minutiae of their children’s days in the palms of their hands.

“As far as I’m concerned, if they don’t have gastro, it’s none of my business how many times my kids cry when I’m not with them,” said the parent. Lordn –

The way I see it, it would benefit everyone if we could take a step back from daycare apps and remind ourselves that our children are in good hands – no matter how much information we receive about them during the day.

As far as I’m concerned, if they don’t have gastro, it’s none of my business how many times my kids cry when I’m not with them.

And I’d like to keep it that way.

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