A real estate agent in Malibu warned home owners in California about the need to protect them after a serial fraudulent reportedly aiming for the beach community for years, a problem she said could get worse after Los Angeles’ fires.
“I don’t know how she left with her for so long in Malibu with the amount of people she made,” explained Liz Benichou, an real estate agent in Malibu and eternal resident against Ellie Mae Mcnachel. “It is a very small, tight community. You see the same people. You get this familiarity. You think everyone is like you because we are all doing the same, so you earn that belief. You live in this bubble in Malibu. “
Mcnachel, an actor and screenwriter, according to her biography, allegedly deceived dozens of Malibu homeowners over the last decade, sympathizing with her way in their lives before she became a nightmare, Vanity Fair First reported .
“First of all, how she has been able to do this for so many years without getting caught, I think this is just about her overall charm. I think she is a predator and finds people who are weak that can wait, ”Benichou said.
According to Vanity Fair, Mcnachel met with 65-year-old Alden Marin in 2021 on a beach in the point of view, where they both shared a pleasant exchange before Marin opened her home after she claimed she was “waiting for its new place to get ready. ”
But the days returned quickly a week, then a month, then two, and Marin’s sister reported that there was a change in Mcnachel, and she continued to make excuses as to why she could not rent.
“People really feel like it is a very narrow and confident community. Why would anyone want to take advantage of this? But again, people do. And it’s almost easy to leave if you are constantly showing your face, as it seemed to do this predator, “Benichou said.
“People who want to see people who look special. And she portrayed that special. She’s like, ‘Ok, I’m an actor. I know these people. I have these links. So you can be blinded by this. And that is coming from someone who went to Beverly Hills high school. I grew up in so I’ve seen this all my life. “
Marin’s family claimed that Mcnachel “issued a psychological terror campaign” over it that landed it in a medical institution. While in care, the family reported that Mcnachel changed all the hair at home and found that Marin was not her first, according to Vanity Fair report.
The family led the case to court and one court eventually ordered Mcnachel to leave the property, Vanity Fair reported. Fox News Digital arrived at Mcnachel for comment.
Benichou said this is not the only example of someone who has attracted schemes like this in the golden state. She said there may be more scams like this in response to fires.
“I feel like something that, unfortunately, we see a lot, especially here in California, because people have really big hearts and they want to help, and they want to see the best in people,” Benichou said .
“It is such a mental illness that they really don’t see what they are doing. It is so pathological,” Benichou told people who run these types of meeting schemes. “They don’t see what they are done is not at all wrong. So, for her, it looks like she feels right about her. And even though she’s making bad press, she is still getting attention.”
California, known to be one of the most favorable countries of the tenant in the country, protects tenants from certain lease growth, and they can also be protected from certain types of deportations.
“If you are in a place for more than 14 days, I think within six months, you can look for it as yours,” Benichou explained, referring to the tenant laws in California.
The state law also obliges that guards who occupy a room in a home, even if they do not pay and have no contract, can be considered “tenant as you wish”.
A spokesman for the Department of Justice in California told Vanity Fair that the failure to pay rent, being a “trouble” and “engaging in criminal activities in the premises” are all considered “only for expulsion” under the law of the state.
As Benichou pointed out, the deportations can last months, and even years, and the police are not allowed to force a resident, but can “persuade” the person to leave home.
“California is a state that is known to be very gentle for crime and gathering is a crime. It doesn’t see me many will change, especially after the fire, after all these people have lost their homes. You can’t throw people Only on the road, ”Benichou said.
Benichou added that since California is a sacred state, she believes she will get a lot of work to get tenancy laws to ever change.
“It will take a lot of work to make these laws change, be more in favor of homeowner. That’s just something I see time and time again. So if homeowners really don’t join And they try to make these changes to happen, it will be in favor of the tenant California because it is a sacred state, “Benichou said.
“And that doesn’t just stop in immigration or nothing. Kind is a kind of housing. And that is why we have had a shelter crisis, and it has become even worse now. So it will become a little more difficult after fires, Unfortunately. ”
Fires were not the first crisis to expose the California shelter crisis, as Benichou said she really saw corruption and schemes come to light during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“I think a lot of people benefited Covid to be able to stay in their places because of this moratorium. And I think now many will use this (fire) as an excuse,” she explained.
“But on the rolling side of this, there are also tenants I have represented who have owners of owners trying to get more money than those who previously paid before the fire. So there are two pairs in this coin now after fire fire And now, there are new laws that are placed in a place where you can’t avoid someone.
Benichou was referring to emergency orders from Gov California. Gavin News set in response to fires that will prevent prices from receiving and will stop such price increases of more than 10% in Los Angeles County by March 8. Restrictions apply to existing tenants and new directions during the emergency period, as customary
“In the face of the natural disaster, we must gather to help our neighbors, not paying to benefit from their pain,” said California Prosecutor General Rob Bonta in a previous press release.
Cal Fire reported that more than 12,000 houses, businesses and schools have lost on fire and more than 100,000 people had to leave their homes.
The Bonta office said to protect the Californians affected by Southern California fires, the Justice Department is investigating and pursuing pricing and has sent more than 650 warning letters to come to hotels and owners who are charged with pricing gouging.
“There are so many sides of that,” Benichou said. “And it’s hard because there are excellent tenants and there are excellent shelter providers and then there are those who benefit from every single situation. And unfortunately, because we live in California, and certain cities with Angeles, like Santa Monica, for example, have rent control, so it is more difficult to get a tenant in Santa Monica than it is, to say, Burban, which has no rent control.
“So there are so many that goes to this tenant housing provider. And if there are no changing laws that are changed throughout California, you still have to deal with all city laws.”
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